Monday, October 25, 2010

Annual Toastmasters Autumn Ball

Fellow Toastmasters,
On 7th November we are waiting for you to join us in celebrating the beauty of Autumn in a very friendly and graceful atmosphere on Annual Toastmasters Autumn Ball! There will be a Humorous Speech Contest with bright speakers, Dances with a professional teacher and some pleasant surprises which will amaze you! Feel free to invite your friends too!
Dress code: formal suit / cocktail dress
Time:          7 November 2010, from 18:00 to 21:00 (registration starts at 17:40)
Venue:        House of Scientists, 45A Volodymyrska Str. (Zoloti Vorota metro), The White Hall
Price:          UAH 50 (in advance), UAH 60 (at the door)      
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact your club officers or area team (Lily Nabochenko, Julia BarchukovaMilla Nezlina begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlightingKaterina ZarubinaBohdan Trotsenko).
Kind regards,
Toastmasters Ukraine Area Team