Friday, December 24, 2010

Last meeting in year 2010!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Kindly invite you to visit our special last meeting in year 2010!
It’s going to be an outstanding event! Timur Berezhnoy will tell us a wonderful fairytale. Then we’ll have an extraordinary spontaneous session, conducted by real lady Yulia Dmytryshyn. It will be a game MAFIA.
So please follow the dress-code: cocktail dress; suit etc. Feel free to wear some special gangster’s accessories.
Remember about potluck after the meeting :) Tasty food is welcomed ;) Bring whatever you like: chocolates, cakes, fruit etc.
And please take your cameras with you. It will be a great memorable evening!
See you, my dear family!
EBA Toastmasters Club
Lucía José Maria de Luna Gatuna
(Well-known in Toastmasters’ circles as Svitlana Stavska ;)
067 723 55 30

Monday, December 20, 2010

The results of EBA Inner Speech Contest

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.Buddha
Last Thursday we all had a great pleasure to be part of a big event in the life of our club. We had a marvellous Inner Speech Contest! The participants took a challenge to perform the best speeches for the contest. Let's welcome them: Olga Pustyntseva (Title of a speech: Wheel of Fortune), Svetlana Nesterenko (Title: How to become a human detector), Igor Buinyi (Title: Excitement), Svitlana Stavska (Title: Be aware of your dreams), Valentin Seleznev (Title: Looking for the happiness...). All speakers spent hours, days, weeks or even months of preparation for their performances! Of course, the preparation had to be very serious, because the Judges were very prominent Toastmasters!
Chief Judge: Mark Taylor (DniproHills)
Lucy Povaly (ArtTalkers)
Anrey Grischuk (AmCham)
Tanya Nechaeva (ArtTalkers)
Yuriy Karabach (ArtTalkers)
 Maxim Kuzyava (DniproHills)
It was a great meeting, warmly conducted by charming Past Area Governor Yulia Dmytryshyn (TopTalkers).

The winners of the contest are:

1st place - Svitlana Stavska
2nd place - Svetlana Nesterenko
3rd place - Igor Buinyi


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Inner Speech Contest! Thursday, December 16th

Dear Toastmasters!

I’m glad to inform you that this week we are having Inner Speech Contest! We are expecting to have many guests from Our Toastmasters Community. As far as we need a bigger room for the meeting we decided to held this great event on the premises of  Kiev Business School. So the address is: boulevard Lesi Ukrainki, 34, 4th floor (near Pecherska and Druzhby Narodiv Metro Stations). Please take into account that Inner Speech Contest of EBA Toastmaster Club will be held on Thursday, December 16th. Dear members, you still have enough time for preparing your speeches! Feel free to contact our officers team in order to sign up in agenda. Remember that you also can take a role of Timer and we are looking for three Counters for the voting procedure! 

On behalf of EBA Toastmasters Club I want to thanks to Mark Taylor from DniproHills, who will be the Chief Judge and Yulia Dmytryshyn, who will be the Chairman of the Inner Contest.

Don’t miss a unique opportunity to see great performances on Inner Speech Contest of EBA Toastmasters Club!

Best wishes,
Svitlana Stavska
President of EBA Toastmasters Club
067 723 55 30