Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear all!

EBA Toastmasters business-oriented club kindly invites you to take part in a special meeting that will help you to learn and develop leadership and management skills in a fun, engaging and unordinary way!

We are going to watch a film
“Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World” in English!
With further discussions and workshop

At the end of the movie everyone is encouraged to take part in strategic discussion of the topic "Leadership and management" within your team in particular:

difference between genuine leader and manager
the main role of Leader, the main functions of Manager
strategic and operational management, as well as leadership and team work

Within the film discussions and workshop you will learn about:

- Leader and manager’s skills
- Delegation of authority
- Team training and motivation
- Inspiration , care about team
- Morale, leadership credibility, patriotism, and personal example
- Management styles. Operational management. Team Actions. Performance

The meeting will take place on July 12, 2011 at 7 pm in the premises of Edinburgh Business School, 9/10, Dovnar-Zapolskogo str., 2-nd floor (Lukyanivska Metro station).

We look forward to seeing you soon at our special meeting!