Friday, December 24, 2010

Last meeting in year 2010!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Kindly invite you to visit our special last meeting in year 2010!
It’s going to be an outstanding event! Timur Berezhnoy will tell us a wonderful fairytale. Then we’ll have an extraordinary spontaneous session, conducted by real lady Yulia Dmytryshyn. It will be a game MAFIA.
So please follow the dress-code: cocktail dress; suit etc. Feel free to wear some special gangster’s accessories.
Remember about potluck after the meeting :) Tasty food is welcomed ;) Bring whatever you like: chocolates, cakes, fruit etc.
And please take your cameras with you. It will be a great memorable evening!
See you, my dear family!
EBA Toastmasters Club
Lucía José Maria de Luna Gatuna
(Well-known in Toastmasters’ circles as Svitlana Stavska ;)
067 723 55 30

Monday, December 20, 2010

The results of EBA Inner Speech Contest

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.Buddha
Last Thursday we all had a great pleasure to be part of a big event in the life of our club. We had a marvellous Inner Speech Contest! The participants took a challenge to perform the best speeches for the contest. Let's welcome them: Olga Pustyntseva (Title of a speech: Wheel of Fortune), Svetlana Nesterenko (Title: How to become a human detector), Igor Buinyi (Title: Excitement), Svitlana Stavska (Title: Be aware of your dreams), Valentin Seleznev (Title: Looking for the happiness...). All speakers spent hours, days, weeks or even months of preparation for their performances! Of course, the preparation had to be very serious, because the Judges were very prominent Toastmasters!
Chief Judge: Mark Taylor (DniproHills)
Lucy Povaly (ArtTalkers)
Anrey Grischuk (AmCham)
Tanya Nechaeva (ArtTalkers)
Yuriy Karabach (ArtTalkers)
 Maxim Kuzyava (DniproHills)
It was a great meeting, warmly conducted by charming Past Area Governor Yulia Dmytryshyn (TopTalkers).

The winners of the contest are:

1st place - Svitlana Stavska
2nd place - Svetlana Nesterenko
3rd place - Igor Buinyi


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Inner Speech Contest! Thursday, December 16th

Dear Toastmasters!

I’m glad to inform you that this week we are having Inner Speech Contest! We are expecting to have many guests from Our Toastmasters Community. As far as we need a bigger room for the meeting we decided to held this great event on the premises of  Kiev Business School. So the address is: boulevard Lesi Ukrainki, 34, 4th floor (near Pecherska and Druzhby Narodiv Metro Stations). Please take into account that Inner Speech Contest of EBA Toastmaster Club will be held on Thursday, December 16th. Dear members, you still have enough time for preparing your speeches! Feel free to contact our officers team in order to sign up in agenda. Remember that you also can take a role of Timer and we are looking for three Counters for the voting procedure! 

On behalf of EBA Toastmasters Club I want to thanks to Mark Taylor from DniproHills, who will be the Chief Judge and Yulia Dmytryshyn, who will be the Chairman of the Inner Contest.

Don’t miss a unique opportunity to see great performances on Inner Speech Contest of EBA Toastmasters Club!

Best wishes,
Svitlana Stavska
President of EBA Toastmasters Club
067 723 55 30

Friday, November 26, 2010

2010 International Convention, Palm Desert, California

World Champions of Public Speaking enjoy a moment in the spotlight

David Henderson of San Antonio, Texas, becomes the 2010 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking with his speech, "The Aviators."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Annual Toastmasters Autumn Ball

Fellow Toastmasters,
On 7th November we are waiting for you to join us in celebrating the beauty of Autumn in a very friendly and graceful atmosphere on Annual Toastmasters Autumn Ball! There will be a Humorous Speech Contest with bright speakers, Dances with a professional teacher and some pleasant surprises which will amaze you! Feel free to invite your friends too!
Dress code: formal suit / cocktail dress
Time:          7 November 2010, from 18:00 to 21:00 (registration starts at 17:40)
Venue:        House of Scientists, 45A Volodymyrska Str. (Zoloti Vorota metro), The White Hall
Price:          UAH 50 (in advance), UAH 60 (at the door)      
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact your club officers or area team (Lily Nabochenko, Julia BarchukovaMilla Nezlina begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlightingKaterina ZarubinaBohdan Trotsenko).
Kind regards,
Toastmasters Ukraine Area Team

Saturday, September 18, 2010

!!!ATTENTION!!! Next meeting of EBA TMC will be held on Wednesday, September 22

Dear friends:
People from American Council kindly asked us to remove our next meeting from Monday to Wednesday. So this time we are going to have the meeting of EBA Toastmasters Club on Wednesday, September 22. The location remains the same – Melnikova St. 63.
Dear speakers and Toastmasters team, please confirm your participation to Svetlana Nesterenko:, cell phone +38 067 220 77 55
We hope to see all the speakers and Toastmasters team on Wednesday!
P.S. Please remember about paying the dues – only 36$ per 6 months :)
Best wishes,
President of EBA Toastmasters Club
Svitlana Stavska
+38 067 723 55 30

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

!!!5th Anniversary of EBA Toastmasters Club!!!

Dear friends:
Kindly inform you that EBA club celebrates its BIRTHDAY on September 13.

The ceremony of celebration takes place on Monday, Sept 13 at 7:30 p.m. (as usually at Kyiv Alumni Resource Center, 63 Melnykova str.)

Only outstanding performances, famous speakers and festive mood! Our friends from Toastmasters Family are coming to celebrate 5th Anniversary of EBA TMC together with us!
Toastmasters Levon Petrosyan and Svitlana Stavska will host our performers:
Masha Chebotareva and Sergiy Kotla are preparing a performance;
Ann Potapova will teach you how to make a very useful thing…but let’s keep it in secret ;)
Entertaining Table Topic Session will lead a President of Dnipro Hills – Natalia Bailyuk;
General evaluation of meeting is providing our charming Irina Nikolaenko!!!
And many other well-known Ukrainian toastmasters!
We are expecting guests from all Toastmasters clubs in our country. As well-mannered guests of course they can't come to the Birthday party without presents ;). That's why they are preparing for EBA members and guests smth interesting and entertaining - poem, song, speech, performance, dance, dialogue, play…!!!
And after the official part of the meeting we will foster our public speaking skills by delivering toasts ;) Thanks to Sergiy Burdenyuk for taking care about refreshments! 
So we kindly invite you all to our Birthday party!!!
Dress-code: no restrictions, just festive cloth ;) 
Best wishes,
Svitlana the President and Svetlana the Vice President Education
EBA Toastmasters club

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Officers Team

Dear friends:
I'm glad to introduce you our new officers team:

Svitlana Stavska
+38 067 723 55 30

Svetlana Nesterenko
Vice President Education 
+38 067 220 77 55

Anna Potapova
Vice President Membership

 +380 50 410 10 25 

 +380 67 320 14 85

Viktor Fursov
Vice President Public Relations
+38 093 595 10 96

Olga Pustyntseva  
+38 067 507 57 25
Feel free to contacts us if you have some questions!

Friday, August 27, 2010

EBA Toastmasters meeting on Monday, Aug 30

Dear fellow Toastmasters:

Kindly inform you that we are going to have extraordinary meeting on Monday, 30.
Why extraordinary????
Because our Toastmaster is the most inspiring speaker - Lucy Povaliy!
You’ll have chance to experience Ice Breaker speech – Oksana Tykha!
Don’t be afraid of Table Topic Session! It’ll be performed by talented and skillful speaker Irina Nikolaenko!
What is it - Game “The Walt Disney Creativity”? Be sure - it isn’t a manual speech; it is a real game organised by Svetlana Nesterenko.

Some roles are still available. Feel free to inform me on your choice!

Svetlana Nesterenko
067 220 77 55

Friday, July 30, 2010

Joint meetings with AmCham Toastmasters Club during August

Dear fellow Toastmasters!
On Monday, August 2 we don’t have EBA TMC’ meeting. Why? Because on Wednesday August 4 we are going to have a joint meeting with AmCham Toastmasters Club!

They kindly invited us to have joint meetings during August, so we have a great chance to improve our public speaking skills with a support of such a strong club.
Schedule for August:
Every Wednesday from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.
the Microsoft Ukraine Office, 75 Zhylianska St., Floor 4, Business Centre Eurasia.

If you want to take active part in the next AmCham Toastmasters meeting, please sign up for the roles by writing to Yuriy Yakovenko at (phone: 097 948 04 71)
The agenda is available on-line:

Looking forward to see you on Wednesday!

Best wishes,
Svitlana Stavska
067 723 55 30

Friday, July 2, 2010

Picnic on July, 4

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Have you ever wondered how to combine:

* Toastmasters meeting
* Speech of the Humorous Speech Contest Winner 2009 Dima Odnorogov
* Lots of presents
* Speech of Am Cham President Gleb Krivenko
* Reminiscences of the year 2009-2010
* Inauguration of the new Area Governor
* Refreshments
* Games
* Mark!!! will start a fire
* Auction
* Ukrainian Folk Culture
* and the Day of Independence of America?

All of this and even more you will have a chance to experience at the Annual Toastmasters Summer Picnic
which will be held at Pyrogovo Museum (near Shynok ) starting at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday, July 4, 2010.
Our program includes:
1. Toastmasters Meeting
2. Picnic
3. Games & Fun

Ticket price: 50 UAH

Our sponsors:
Coca-Cola Ukraine,
Igor Pidrychny &

We meet at the entrance at 11 A.M. and then go downhill to Shynok and turn left to the meadow.

Please, come on time! Feel free to contact me if you need directions or have any other questions.

See you on Sunday!

Yuliya Dmytryshyn
Area Governor
Toastmasters Ukraine
096 233 4695
044 383 0842

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toastmasters Area Meeting

Thursday 10 June 2010

Minutes of the meeting

Meeting called to order by Area Governor at 815 PM.

A head count was done and a quorum of voting officers was present.

      1. Area Governor announced after a short discussion that the annual Pirogovo picnic will be scheduled for July 4.

  1.  The Area Governor brought forward an item for discussion. That each club provide $150 from dues so that the AG, Yulia Dmtryshn, can attend the District 49 meeting this summer in Holland. There was a great deal of acrimonious discussion regarding this issue. It was pointed out that it is a violation of TM rules to provide funds for travel for any member of TM which comes from TM dues. Dues should be spent only on education within the clubs. After this motion was discussed a great deal, it was determined by a vote that that current AG would be chosen as TM Ukraine’s liaison to European District 49 and attend this meeting with the intention of determining if it would be in the best interests of TM Ukraine to join District 49 and to represent the clubs at the next conference. The motion was made, seconded and there was a unanimous vote in favor of this motion with this further determination that in the future, TM Ukraine will not provide funds from any club dues for an AG or other individual to travel internationally.

  1. Following the agenda, Graham Seibert, President of Art Talkers, presented copies of proposed by-laws which were taken from TM International rule books regarding the functions of the Area Governor in Ukraine. A number of rules were proposed concerning elections, managing events during the year, and money management. It was proposed that the office of Area Treasurer be created so that there will be fiscal accountability in the Area.

There was an objection to this proposal by those who had not previously read this material and felt that they couldn’t vote without reading the materials in detail. It was pointed out that these materials and proposals had been sent out more than one month ago for respective members to read and to familiarize themselves with the details.

A proposal was put to the floor to postpone any decision on proposed by-laws until they had been carefully reviewed. It was suggested that a committee be formed to review the materials and make a presentation to the governing body.

A proposal was also made to vote on the by-laws at that time, since the materials had been made available more than a month ago

A vote was taken to postpone any decision on the proposed by-laws until there would be a report from a committee. It wasn’t determined at that time who would constitute this committee. The proposal to accept the by-laws was tabled until further discussion.

It was pointed out that there was no way according to current rules to accept proxies without new by-laws which officially recognize proxies. The voting for new AG proceeded without addressing this issue.

  1. The election of the new Area Governor then took place. Both candidates gave speeches outlining their programs and platforms. After a vote count it was determined that Lily Nabochenko was elected new Area Governor.

  1. A proposal to hold the TM picnic at a location called Pirate Bay was made by Levon Petrosan. This was determined to be too expensive by the group and was rejected.

  1. The new Area Governor made some proposals regarding future meetings.

  1. Anton Stestenko gave a presentation following his attendance at the last District 59 meeting regarding the positive and negative factors for Ukraine to join this District of TM International.

  1. It was reported that there are a number of issues which impact any decision that TM Ukraine might make regarding joining District 59. It was also reported that there is no clear procedure for a cluster of clubs like TM Ukraine to join a District organization.
    1. The distance for travel to Ukraine would be very expensive for District officers, who generally have to pay their own expenses when traveling.
    2. This could cause financial expense for TM Ukraine which would be expected to pick up the tab for District 59 officers in their travels on TM International business.
    3. It was reported that there are three clubs in Moscow and some other nearby countries which Ukraine could join to form their own district.

The meeting was adjorned at 931 PM. 
The author: Mark Taylor

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Toastmasters Quest on June 5

Dear Friends:

We are happy to invite you to an energizing and sensational Toastmasters event:

WHAT? Exciting, unforgettable adventures combined with English,running, jumping, thinking and many other interesting activities youwill have a chance to experience by participating in the Toastmasters Quest 2010. Quest is a world-known open-air gaming which gives anopportunity for several teams not only to compete for a prize, but alsospend their time with lots of FUN wondering around the town and solvingtruly challenging tasks.

WHO? Fellow Toastmasters and most welcomed guests

WHEN? June 5, 2010 at 1:30 PM

WHERE? Starting point is at the monument at metro station Anlanesra*
Look for familiar faces and English-speaking crowd!

* that was the first task for the quest :)

HOW? Quest+Picnic

CLOTHES: comfortable! Avoid taking unnecessary things. Don't forget your cameras!

FEE: 30 UAH (covers participation in the Quest and Picnic), 20 UAH (Picnic only)

Our Sponsor: Coca-Cola Ukraine

Contact people:
Yulia Dmytryshyn 096 233 46 95, 3830842
Yulia Barchukova 099 099 0843, 067 920 4400 (Dnipro Hills)
Alina Sverdelko 066 767 88 85  (Dnipro Hills)
Lily Nabochenko 050 464 68 44 (Dnipro Hills)
Yura Karabach 050 440 00 40 (Art Talkers)
Volodia Ostahov 068 340 33 19 (Top Talkers)
Volodia Yantsov 063 433 81 77, 050 619 8675 (Am Cham)

See you there!

Yuliya Dmytryshyn
Area Governor
Toastmasters Ukraine
096 233 4695
044 383 0842

Thursday, April 22, 2010

All Ukrainian Toastmasters Speech Contest 2010

Toastmasters Ukraine 
invites all ambitious, active, and goal-oriented people to the annual  
All Ukrainian Speech Contest!
Toastmasters is the worldwide nonprofitable organization which helps people to become more competent and comfortable speaking in front of an audience. Speech Contest is an integral part of the Toastmasters educational program. It provides an opportunity for proficient speakers to gain contest experience, and also allows those Toastmasters who are not participating in the contest to learn by observing prominent speakers.

All Ukrainian Speech Contest 2010 will give an opportunity for 2 representatives from each club to compete, and one of them will become the BEST speaker of Toastmasters community in Ukraine.

Date: 25 April 2010 (Sunday) 
Time: 17:00 – 21:00
Venue: 34 I.Mazepy Street (Master Klass Cultural Centre,
Price: UAH 50 (in advance); UAH 60 (at the door)

Dress code: Business or Smart Casual

Become the Speaker and Leader You Want to Be!

Contact information:

Yuliya Dmytryshyn
Area Governor
096 233 4695
044 383 0842

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Partner relations: Toastmasters - TEDxKyiv

Dear fellow Toastmasters,
We are glad to inform you that Toastmasters, Ukraine and TEDxKyiv have established a partner relationship. We believe that this cooperation will turn into a true friendship and will be mutually beneficial for people involved into activities initiated by both organizations.

Few words about TED: TED (short for Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a U.S. private non-profit foundation that is best known for its conferences. It was founded in Silicon Valley in 1984. Nowadays it has spread all over the world including Ukraine (starting Autumn, 2009). Those who have given TED talks include Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Bill Gates, the founders of Google and various Nobel Prize winners. Many talented Ukrainians have also contributed to the local TEDx initiative.

We are pleased to inform you that the next TEDxKyiv is scheduled for 24 April 2010 (which is one day before the All Ukrainian Toastmasters Speech Contest 2010). On my opinion both events can provide you with a brilliant opportunity to enjoy the art of public speaking, broaden your mind with some fresh ideas on various topics and meet really interesting people.
To learn more about TEDxKyiv event, please see the letter below.
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact Lily Nabochenko.
Lily Nabochenko
Deputy Area Governor
+38 050 666 9745

Monday, March 22, 2010

Event: Special free master class for Toastmasters
Presenter: Isaak Gelbinovich ACS/ALS; President of company Speaking To Succeed.
Location: Kyiv Alumni Resource Center
Address: 63, Melnykova str. (Lukyanivska metro station)
Day & time: March 25 (Thursday), 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (come in advance)

Dear Toastmasters!
Would you like to be light years ahead as a speaker? Would you like to learn the speaking secrets of the Masters? Would you like to enjoy speaking in public?
If answer is YES to any of these questions then join exclusive master class presented by Isaak Gelbinovich one of the best Public speakers and Presentation coaches of New York.

In this workshop you will learn how to:
• Start your presentation with a BANG.
• Make your presentation memorable.
• Seamlessly wave humor into your presentations.
• Incorporate three main ingredients into all your presentations
• Own the stage every time you are making a speech.
• Pull your audience in just by using your voice.
• Avoid the biggest mistake most presenters make.

Learn this and much more by joining me in this workshop specially designed for Toastmasters. Do not miss this exclusive opportunity to learn the secrets of Master presenters.
In order to attend the event please send your name and contact information at or call 067 723 55 30 (Svitlana Stavska, VP PR EBA Toastmasters Club)

Come and invite your friends! Keep in mind that the quantity of participants is limited.

Please follow this link in order to find the information about a workshop presented by Isaak Gelbinovich on March 27-28. As a Toastmaster you’ll get 50% discount!

Isaak Gelbinovich ACS/ALS. President of company Speaking To Succeed. Out of 250 clubs he won first place in District humorous speech contest in 2005 and second place in the International speech contest in 2009. Isaak have presented numerous workshops at District and Regional conferences as well as outside Toastmasters. He studied with World Champions of public speaking and went beyond Toastmasters to become a professional speaker. Isaak earned the right to become a professional member of the American National Speakers Association™ (NSA).

Monday, March 8, 2010

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~ Bern Williams

Dear ladies!

Best wishes on the main Spring holiday!

mood! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dear Friends:

I am delighted to let you know that our community is becoming more and more popular.
Angela Hill (who represents became interested in Toastmasters Ukraine,
and here are the results of our conversation:

Most everyone can agree that public speaking invokes great anxiety – even including people who are well educated and who possess many talents. Overcoming nervousness is a significant battle in a speaker’s development and that is why Toastmasters is an oasis for order, calm and support. To give or exchange information to an audience forces one to be more sensitive and skilled at communicating; thus, we learn to avoid stereotypes and look at many different races and cultures. Public speaking encourages a person to look inside and explore what is most important. Truly words can hurt, heal, create, build and ... 
Please, follow the link to to read the whole interview.
You can find some interesting pictures from our events there too :)

My sincere appreciation to Angela Hill.
We hope for continuation of our cooperation and warmly invite you to our club meetings.

Yuliya Dmytryshyn
Area Governor
Toastmasters Ukraine
096 233 4695

Monday, February 22, 2010

Our officers

Sergiy Kotla

Mob.: +38 (097)  948 28 85
          +38 (093)  864 25 69

Maria Chebotareva
Vice President Education

Mob.: +38 (063)  077 57 49

Svitlana Stavska
Vice President Public Relations

Mob.: +38 (067)  723 55 30
          +38 (050)  731 25 96

Olga Pustyntseva  

Mob.: +38 (067) 507 57 25