Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toastmasters Area Meeting

Thursday 10 June 2010

Minutes of the meeting

Meeting called to order by Area Governor at 815 PM.

A head count was done and a quorum of voting officers was present.

      1. Area Governor announced after a short discussion that the annual Pirogovo picnic will be scheduled for July 4.

  1.  The Area Governor brought forward an item for discussion. That each club provide $150 from dues so that the AG, Yulia Dmtryshn, can attend the District 49 meeting this summer in Holland. There was a great deal of acrimonious discussion regarding this issue. It was pointed out that it is a violation of TM rules to provide funds for travel for any member of TM which comes from TM dues. Dues should be spent only on education within the clubs. After this motion was discussed a great deal, it was determined by a vote that that current AG would be chosen as TM Ukraine’s liaison to European District 49 and attend this meeting with the intention of determining if it would be in the best interests of TM Ukraine to join District 49 and to represent the clubs at the next conference. The motion was made, seconded and there was a unanimous vote in favor of this motion with this further determination that in the future, TM Ukraine will not provide funds from any club dues for an AG or other individual to travel internationally.

  1. Following the agenda, Graham Seibert, President of Art Talkers, presented copies of proposed by-laws which were taken from TM International rule books regarding the functions of the Area Governor in Ukraine. A number of rules were proposed concerning elections, managing events during the year, and money management. It was proposed that the office of Area Treasurer be created so that there will be fiscal accountability in the Area.

There was an objection to this proposal by those who had not previously read this material and felt that they couldn’t vote without reading the materials in detail. It was pointed out that these materials and proposals had been sent out more than one month ago for respective members to read and to familiarize themselves with the details.

A proposal was put to the floor to postpone any decision on proposed by-laws until they had been carefully reviewed. It was suggested that a committee be formed to review the materials and make a presentation to the governing body.

A proposal was also made to vote on the by-laws at that time, since the materials had been made available more than a month ago

A vote was taken to postpone any decision on the proposed by-laws until there would be a report from a committee. It wasn’t determined at that time who would constitute this committee. The proposal to accept the by-laws was tabled until further discussion.

It was pointed out that there was no way according to current rules to accept proxies without new by-laws which officially recognize proxies. The voting for new AG proceeded without addressing this issue.

  1. The election of the new Area Governor then took place. Both candidates gave speeches outlining their programs and platforms. After a vote count it was determined that Lily Nabochenko was elected new Area Governor.

  1. A proposal to hold the TM picnic at a location called Pirate Bay was made by Levon Petrosan. This was determined to be too expensive by the group and was rejected.

  1. The new Area Governor made some proposals regarding future meetings.

  1. Anton Stestenko gave a presentation following his attendance at the last District 59 meeting regarding the positive and negative factors for Ukraine to join this District of TM International.

  1. It was reported that there are a number of issues which impact any decision that TM Ukraine might make regarding joining District 59. It was also reported that there is no clear procedure for a cluster of clubs like TM Ukraine to join a District organization.
    1. The distance for travel to Ukraine would be very expensive for District officers, who generally have to pay their own expenses when traveling.
    2. This could cause financial expense for TM Ukraine which would be expected to pick up the tab for District 59 officers in their travels on TM International business.
    3. It was reported that there are three clubs in Moscow and some other nearby countries which Ukraine could join to form their own district.

The meeting was adjorned at 931 PM. 
The author: Mark Taylor

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